L'operculeuses de barquette Audion AMAPS est une machine sur pied multi barquettes destinée au conditionnement de produits alimentaires sous atmosphère contrôlée. Barquette rectangulaire jusqu'à 370 x 270 mm.
Tray Sealer

The tray sealers are designed for packaging food products either in a controlled atmosphere or without, depending on the model.
The controlled-atmosphere tray sealers employ a brand-new patented concept based on Bernoulli's principle. Unlike traditional methods, these machines do not use a vacuum pump. Instead, the gas injection system creates turbulence within the tray. This turbulence effectively replaces the oxygen with the preservation gas. Thanks to this innovative approach, it is possible to achieve a residual oxygen level close to 0%, all without the need for a vacuum pump.
There are 2 products.
La MSS 260 est une operculeuse pour des barquettes de 220 x 170 mm qui laisse ou non, une jupe autour de la barquette pour une aspect esthétique luxueux.